Low-Tech Materials

Print and laminate to use the materials below. Want a customized printable communication option to fit your needs? Let us know on instagram @weavechataac or via email at weavechat+materials@weavechat.com

Communication Boards

  • Based on the AAC app home screen.

    Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x11 inch paper. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin.

63 position Safety & Emergency Core Board
  • 63 position core + (mostly) fringe board with symbols related to Safety & Emergency Situations.

    Board contains images related to common hazards (ex: water, fire, gas), natural disasters, emergency personnel and vehicles, as well as vocabulary related to sensory needs and health needs.

    Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x11 inch paper. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin.

Safety & Emergency core board - 20 positions
Fringe AAC vocabulary to talk about Menses.
  • Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x11 inch paper. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin. Each icon is 1inch squared.

  • Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x11 inch paper. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin. Each icon is 1 inch squared.

  • Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x11 inch paper. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin. Each icon is 1 inch squared.

  • The PDF is 5x5inches, the images take up a 4x4inches. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin. Each icon is 1 inch squared.

    Page 1 is the US version. Page 2 has “sweets” instead of candy for UK users.

AAC words for Halloween - fringe vocab board.
  • Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x11 inch paper. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin. Each icon is 1 inch squared.

  • Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x11 inch paper. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin.

  • Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x11 inch paper. Make sure there is at least a 0.5 inch mage margin. Each icon is 1inch squared.

Sentence Frame - I +[negative] + [verb] + [blank]

Sentence Frame - Question + [pronoun] + [verb]

Sentence Frames

Sentence Frame - I + [verb] + [blank]